Allergy Test

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Patch Test in Leicester


108 New Walk, Leicester, LE1 7EA, United Kingdom


Opening Hours
09:00 – 18:00
09:00 – 18:00
09:00 – 18:00
09:00 – 18:00
09:00 – 18:00
09:00 – 18:00
09:00 – 17:00

Allergy Test Bioresonance-Leicester

Get a Patch Test (Allergies Test) in Leicester with Bioresonance-Leicester.

Find out about the cost and other information on this page and contact Bioresonance-Leicester directly to book an Allergy Test.

It turns out that you can. It is not a myth or a wish, although many of us are convinced that these ailments are a natural phenomenon of the modern world. We go to work, home, school, college. We do not have time for proper diet, rest, stress recovery. We are sick of diseases that 20 years ago no one knew. Of course, you can take medication for swollen eyes, headache, runny nose or bloating. Of course you can also opt for vaccines. You can also treat catarrh or sinus with countless drops, but you can also choose a non-invasive and painless method to remove the causes of these symptoms. The tests are painless and non-invasive (no puncture and incision, which is important for children who are afraid of punctures and incisions used in clinical trials). We have nine palettes of allergy tests. Each kit contains specific allergen species (700 different ampoules). It is also possible to test allergens from the environment of a patient suspected of allergic reactions such as medicines, cosmetics, laundry detergents, food, animal hair, fabrics, paints, varnishes, household dust. The result is immediate and the effectiveness of this method is over 90%. Allergies, allergy tests: basic allergy test, food test, virus test, mycosis test, protozoan test, bacteria test, test of parasites.

Common conditions covered by an Allergies Test

Peanut allergy Seafood allergy Pollen allergy Mold allergy Pet dander allergy

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Read more on Allergy Test

Allergy Test - what is it and how the test is done

The environment around us is not as clean and pure as it should be. Knowing this, we all should understand that not all of us are the same and that our bodies react and perceive differently to diff...

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These details have been last updated on 02/01/2023