STD Test

Table of contents

What are the tests for STDs

Tests for STDs, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, represent a set of tests used to identify in the organism protozoa, viruses and bacteria responsible for diseases and infections that are transmitted through sexual contact. There is, therefore, no single test but various types: blood tests, molecular swabs, and microbiological tests.

Some of these texts are available for self-diagnosis. They can be purchased in pharmacies, while others must be carried out in specialised laboratories and clinics. The type of test to be performed depends on the type of sexually transmitted disease to be identified.

Young woman worried about STDs sitting on her bed in front of a young man

What are sexually transmitted diseases?

STDs are also sexually transmitted infections because they do not always turn into diseases that require treatment and because the body can react spontaneously by eliminating the disorder. It is a group of conditions transmitted from one person to another through sexual intercourse (coitus, oral intercourse, anal intercourse, erotic games).

Sexually transmitted diseases are very varied pathologies with very different symptoms and treatments because their origins may differ. In Italy, it is estimated that the group most at risk is young people between 15 and 24 years of age. Doctors have catalogued about 20 of them.

Sexually transmitted diseases can, in fact, be transmitted by various agents:

  • viruses and bacteria;
  • yeasts and parasites.

In addition to HIV, the most common sexually transmitted diseases are chlamydia, gonorrhoea and syphilis.

How are STDs prevented?

The scientific community agrees that the most effective prevention method for sexually transmitted diseases is sexual abstinence, or having an exclusive relationship with only one partner whose health conditions are known.

In general, it is advisable to always have protected intercourse with a condom and to undergo specific tests and vaccines for sexually transmitted diseases. For example, regular blood tests, Pap smears, and the human papillomavirus vaccine.

What are the symptoms of intimate infection?

It is crucial to prevent and screen with tests to fight sexually transmitted infections, just as it is essential to notice and recognise the symptoms. Symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases are often as common in men as in women. The main red flags include the following:

  • fever and abdominal pain;
  • foul-smelling discharge or discharge of unusual colour and texture from the penis or vagina;
  • burning when urinating;
  • areas of the genitals that are red or blistered;
  • bleeding and itching.

The test for chlamydia

The test for chlamydia is carried out with a blood sample or a molecular test on a urine sample, a vaginal or urethral swab. These tests can be carried out by reservation in public and private facilities and pharmacies, both with and without a doctor's prescription.

The urine sample and the collection of secretions through the swab can also be done independently. Before taking this test, it is helpful to stop using creams, antibiotics and vaginal douches in the previous 24 hours. Usually, urine collection is required for this test no earlier than a couple of hours after the last urination.

Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted disease that affects men and women with different symptoms. It is transmitted through sexual intercourse. Unfortunately, in many cases, it is asymptomatic, making the subjects who suffer from it unconscious carriers.

Chlamydia is transmitted by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis. If not detected or treated in time, it can lead to severe effects such as infertility for women and prostatitis for men.

Symptoms of chlamydia, when present, include discharge and irregular menstruation; in men, they involve burning and loss. The treatment is done with antibiotics.

The Gonorrhoea Test

The gonorrhoea test analyses a urine sample or an internal swab where there is an infection: for example, with a sample in the anal or genital area. It is possible to book this test at specialised pharmacies, and medical laboratories, often included in a package that identifies the main types of STDs.

This test is often recommended by doctors to pregnant women and women under the age of 25 who are sexually active. The test generally includes the analysis of a swab that is carried out where there is an infection: for example, in the genital areas, the cervix, the urethra for men, or the oral cavity. In most cases, these swabs are done by healthcare professionals.

Gonorrhoea is an infection caused by the Neisseria gonorrhoeae bacterium. It affects men and women and is transmitted through oral and sexual intercourse. Symptoms in both men and women include genital discharge and burning. Gonorrhoea is treated with oral antibiotics.

The test for syphilis

The test for syphilis consists of taking venous blood, usually from the arm, or analysing a swab with a sample taken from the infected area. This test is performed in hospitals and outpatient clinics and can be purchased with or without a prescription.

This test does not require any specific preparation.

Syphilis is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. In addition to the infection with unprotected sexual intercourse, it is also transmitted by contact with an infected area. If left untreated, syphilis can lead to injury to internal organs. Treatment consists of administering penicillin, preferably by injections.

Tests for STDs in pharmacies in Italy

Given the various tests available for sexually transmitted diseases, there is no single test to buy at the pharmacy.

These tests represent a complete check-up of the primary sexually transmitted diseases. They can also be used for prevention and screening since many of these infections have no symptoms but can be transmitted to partners and the fetus of pregnant women. In particular, doctors recommend these tests for all sexually active people and adolescents.

How Much do STD tests cost in Italy?

The cost of tests purchased and performed at pharmacies and workers depends on the type of sexually transmitted disease detected. In most cases, these tests can be prescribed: therefore, the referral from the doctor, for example, the gynaecologist or urologist, and the health care are enough.

Are there any free sexually transmitted disease tests?

Yes. However, some packages are anonymous and free, like the one for HIV diagnosis, which can be booked, purchased and performed in dedicated facilities and pharmacies.

Many facilities also offer essential check-ups for the most common STDs, such as syphilis, and comprehensive check-ups, which also identify less frequent sexually transmitted infections, such as Pelvic Inflammatory Disease.

STD tests for humans

In humans, tests for sexually transmitted diseases are essential mainly because, in most cases, there are no symptoms. They can be passed on to other people unintentionally, for example, through unprotected sex.

To prevent testicular and prostate cancer, laboratories and facilities in Italy provide tests that detect the main viruses and bacteria of STDs. Among these, STD tests for humans include tests for chlamydia and gonorrhoea and trichomoniasis and genital herpes.

Where to buy STD tests without a prescription

Sexually transmitted disease tampons in Italy can be purchased with or without a prescription. In particular, they are bought in Italian pharmacies and parapharmacies, as well as online. The packs include a rapid antigen test and a swab, usually a flexible stick such as a cotton swab, to take the sample for analysis.

STD test: how long after the infection should they be done?

In the event of potential contagion, and if you are concerned that you have contracted a sexually transmitted disease, doctors always recommend early diagnosis with a blood draw or swab because the treatment is much more effective in the early stages of most sexually transmitted infections.

Specifically, blood tests (e.g. for syphilis) should be done about 20 days after the contact at risk. Doctors recommend a tampon for other diseases, such as gonorrhoea and chlamydia, at least a week after contact.

MST test: how long does it take to get the results?

The tests' results depend on the type of analysis and the facility in which they are performed. In general, however, tests involving swab analysis offer a result after 24 hours.

For further reading about STI Test, please check NHS

Written by Dr. Andleeb Asghar | Last updated on 07/09/2022

Common conditions covered by an STI Test

Human papillomavirus (HPV) Herpes Syphilis Hepatitis Trichomoniasis Gonorrhoea Chlamydia

Where to get an STI Test

STD Test at-Home and Self Tests